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Must-Have Supplies for Professional Organizers

professional organizer's toolkit supplies for professional organizers Oct 20, 2022
Supplies for professional organizers

As a professional organizer, you must know that having the right supplies is the key to efficiency. You never know what you'll encounter at a client's home or office. The right supplies in your toolkit ensure you're prepared for anything!

Besides, organizing supplies help create an efficient organizing system, enabling your clients to follow and sustain it, so they’re able to keep their space organized in the coming days and weeks.

Today, I'll share my favorite organizing supplies and how I use them!   

Essential Supplies for Professional Organizers

The supplies in my toolkit can be categorized into four groups.

1. Bag and Containers

 Bag to Carry All Supplies

First and foremost, I have a spacious bag to carry all my supplies. It helps keep everything in one place, ensuring that I don't forget anything at home and can easily find the items whenever I need to help my clients get organized quickly.

Here are some things I suggest you keep in mind when choosing a bag to carry your supplies:

-A spacious interior: Your bag should have plenty of room for all your supplies, so you can quickly grab what you need without having to search a bunch of small pockets.

-A durable construction: The bag should be built to last so that you can use it over and over again without worry.

-A stylish design: It'd be a plus if your bag looks professional and stylish, so you can feel confident carrying it to client meetings.


A professional organizer's toolkit should have three transparent containers. I label them as "Throw," "Keep," and "Donate/Sell."

These bins make decluttering easier, helping clients stay on track when sorting their stuff.

The "Throw" bin is for items your client no longer needs or wants. This could be old clothes, broken electronics, or anything else they don't use anymore.

The "Keep" bin is for items your client wants to keep. You'll be putting these items in the right places to make their space look tidy and organized.

The "Donate/Sell" bin is for items the client doesn't want but someone else could use. This could be clothes, furniture, accessories, or unused makeup.

2. Tools

This category includes items that clients usually already have at their homes or offices, but when you're in the middle of organizing a space, the last thing you'd want is to try to locate these items in the clutter.


This is one item that you'd find yourself reaching for the most when organizing a client's space.

Scissors help cut through tape, boxes, and other packaging materials. They can also be used for trimming away excess paper or loose or hanging fabric.

 Measuring Tape

There are many times when professional organizers need to measure something to figure out the best way to organize it. For example, you may need to measure the size of a closet to determine how many shelves or racks you need.

 Hand Vacuum

A hand vacuum is one of the most important supplies for professional organizers.

Whether you're organizing a client's home or office, chances are there will be some small messes that need to be cleaned up. A hand vacuum makes quick work of these small messes, allowing you to clean tight spaces like drawers, closets, and cabinets.


This tool effectively removes adhesives and stickers from surfaces without any damage. Whether you need to remove stickers, labels, or other adhesive items from furniture or countertops, you can trust Goo-be-Gone to do a great job.

Additionally, it's non-toxic, so you can safely use it on surfaces accessible to children and pets. It's also biodegradable, so it won't harm the environment if it ends up in waterways or landfills.

 Wipes and Dust Rags

Wipes can clean fingerprints off of surfaces, while dust rags can be used to remove dust from electronics and other delicate items.

3. Stationery Items

The following stationery items will make it easier for you to create an organizing system.

 P-Touch Label Maker

This label maker allows you to quickly and easily create labels for your organizing projects.

It's perfect for labeling shelves, boxes, and other storage containers. You can also use it to create labels for files and folders, making it easy for clients to find what they need when they need it and keep all items in their places.

 Post-it Notes

Post-it Notes are a professional organizer's best friend. Here's how I make the most of them:

To keep track of tasks: I often create a task list on a Post-it Note to ensure clients can easily see what needs to be done and when it is due.

As labels for containers: This helps my clients know what goes in each container without having to search through everything else.

As an aid for decision making: Sometimes, clients have trouble deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. I often write down the pros and cons of each option on a Post-it Note and help them make an informed decision.

 Bin and Bag Clips

These handy little clips can hold bags closed or attach bins to keep the contents organized.

 Notepad, Pens, and Pencils

Notepads are great for taking notes during consultations. You can write down your client's information, ideas for solutions, and other pertinent details. You may use different colored pens to create to-do lists and make notes on meeting agendas. Pencils, however, come in handy when writing tentative ideas or labels.

4. Personal Stuff

Every professional organizer's toolkit must have room for the following personal items.  

 Phone Charger

When you have a packed schedule as a professional organizer, you never know when you might need to charge your phone. Maybe you'll be out all day organizing homes and offices and need to stay connected to your clients and family. Or perhaps you must travel and have your phone charged in case of an emergency.

No matter the reason, it's crucial to have a backup plan for charging your phone. This will ensure you don't miss any important calls or appointments.

 Water Bottle and Snacks

Here are three reasons why you need to have these items in your toolkit:

  •  Staying hydrated is key when working long hours.
  •  Having snacks on hand will help keep your energy up throughout the day.
  •  A water bottle can help reduce stress levels.


What else do you think a professional organizer should carry in their toolkit? Comment below! 

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